Monday, September 12, 2016


Part 1

I am a sinner. I may be given, thanks to God, a bit more of analytical mind compare to people around me. But that makes me feel smarter than most of my friends.
And with the same mind, I also cover my act to look like I am a humble person. I cover them so good that maybe my wife herself doesn't know that I have this kind of thinking. Or maybe she does.
I also lie sometimes. Well, not big lies, some small untraceable lies. Sometimes maybe just hiding the truth, or sometimes telling half truth. Hahaha...
I never murder another person, thank God, but nevertheless my deceitful heart now and again angry or hate this guy or that guy.
I also never slept with woman outside of marriage, but God knows how many times my mind think of dirty thoughts, given the revealing ladies on the street, or in the Internet. Look at porn? Masturbate? Our culture are so crooked that it will be an out-lier if a guy never does them.
The truth is, I am a sinner. Outwardly I may look like a good person. I go to church, I pray sinner's prayer, I even serve in the church, leader of cell group. But in the above few statements, you all know that I am a prideful person, hypocrite, liar, murderer, adulterer, and I can keep going on. If I honestly dig my own heart, I will be able to find all dirty and sinful things inside.

Would you think that a Just and Holy God will take me to His side when I died? How could He? It would make Him unjust and unholy, no? If there are places called Heaven and Hell, a sinful person like me will surely be thrown into Hell.

But, and this is a big BUT. The church and the Holy Bible tells me that I am forgiven.
"How so?" You might ask. God said that He has sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to died on the cross and take away all my sins.
"So, just like that?" He said repent and receive forgiveness of your sins, so I did.
"What about the rest of the world?" He said forgiveness of sins are given freely to all who believe, including you.
I am a sinner, but I am a FORGIVEN sinner. You are also forgiven. Do you believe in Him?

Continue in Part 2 - "So what now after you have been forgiven, can you just live freely in your sins?"

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